It can already be tricky to make your own cat to like you at times, but what about if you want to get somebody's cat to like you? In this blog post, we are covering exactly that and showing you 5 proven methods that will make any feline love you! Let's jump right into the first method: 1. Give the cat timeWe know this sounds weird at the start, because you are seeking for advise on something that you can actively, not passively do, but bear with us for a moment. Just like humans, cats sometimes take their time on getting to know somebody. If a person is first introduced to the environment of a cat, it's quite common that the feline is standing back and investigating the person from a distance at first. In this blog post, even Petful states that it's very important to give a cat some time and room in order for it to get to know a new person. So the first and most important method we are giving you here is: Relax. Respect the cat's privacy and give it some times. Good things will come from there on. 2. Know how to pet the catOnce you made a positive first impression by not overwhelming the cat, you can probably pet is in some time. Don't worry if this takes a while, it will eventually allow you to pet it. Now is the time to shine with your professional petting skills! Before you start, it is best to avoid some mistakes here. The following video by Jackson Galaxy tells you a bit more about the things to avoid when petting your new kitty friend: So now, as you know how to not pet a cat, it is time to learn the basic and advanced techniques on how you can make a cat love you by stroking it the right way:
3. Feed the catThis is a simple and easy one to do: Feed your new kitty aquaintance some delicious food when it's hungry! A study found that cat behaviour is strongly connected to the way they are fed by their humans. The study even concluded that if you feed felines less, it leads to them showing you more love. This is due to the fact that like this, cats get hungry more often and are therefore craving the food even more than when you overfeed them. When this hunger is then satisfied, they are more grateful than ever! The best way to go about feeding your new sweetheart is following these steps:
4. Play with the catGenerally speaking, playing with a cat is super important for releasing energy and developing usefull abilities like jumping. It's so important, VetStreet even recommends a minimum playtime of 15 minute per day! Now, you can leverage this importance for your plan to establish a loving relationship with a cat. For this to work, we again gathered the following steps that you need to consider:
5. Respect the cat's feelingsAfter all this effort, it is possible that you still don't receive the love you deserve. We know this can be a tough pill to swallow, but it's entirely possible that a cat just doesn't like you despite you behaving properly. Just like with humans, some friendships are simply not going to happen. Be it because the cat is jealous of you when cuddling with its owner or you having a scent that it doesn't like, you can't really change these things. Don't get us wrong, it's very possible to change a cat's attitude towards a human being. It's just super hard if you do not own this cat and only see it occasionally. How are you going to convince the cat that you are actually cool when you only see it once a week for a couple of hours? So don't fall into dispair when you realize that you efforts and favors are not being returned. Our advise here is to accept the fact that you won't be best friends afterall. Maybe it's a sign that you should get your own cat! The costs aren't that high and you will have an amazing friendship that you will never forget. ConclusionSo that's it everybody! We hope the methods mentioned in this blog post are going to help you build up a beautiful feline friendship.
Let us know what you think about the whole topic! Did you have any stories to tell about befriending another cat? We would love to hear! As always, thank you so much for reading and talk to you soon. Best regards, Nicole and Robert